Home.Products.Contact Us.
Welcome to our woodworkers tools & hobby supplies product range the woodworkers tools are designed
& manufactured in Great Britain from our purpose built premises offering greater durability & longevity.
Our philosophy is to produce quality products that last.
Our product range includes a fully adjustable fit any lathe ball turning attachment as well as our -
unique hardened tool rests with locking scallop on the stem to our unique carvers vices for wood-
carvers. We also manufacture flat pack self-assembly tool holders for carving & wood turning tools.

Along with our standard range of products we can manufacture wood turning tool stems to special
order. We can also manufacture conveyor roller systems with manual stops for repetitive cuts along  
with heavy duty work benches.

Finally I hope you will find our website useful & informative to use.  If you do require further
information or advice on the woodworkers tools we produce please do not hesitate to contact us.

A family run company since 1985.
Trade Enquires Welcome.
Website Design By: Mech Tech Industries Ltd.
TELEPHONE: 01756 795354
mech tech industries ltd.  2024